The quality of our services and products is determined by the quality of our employees. Manpower, which aims to be the best in their fields, is our most important resource. We believe that we have made our most important investment by enabling the personal and professional development of our dynamic, creative, and constantly better-aimed employees who have the ability to make the right decisions in a short time. You can follow our current job postings on Kariyer.Net.
At the same time, Besmak Materials Testing Machines has proven that engineering can be done at a very high quality and high level in Turkey and also prevented the country's capital from going abroad.
Work with us
Address: Saray Mahallesi-Aksoy Caddesi-No:53-Kazan-Ankara/Türkiye
TEL: +90 (312) 815 56 20 (pbx)
FAX: +90 (312) 815 56 25